What is Cervical Radiculopathy?

Cervical radiculopathy. Radiculopathy is going to be when you get a numbness, burning, tingling, shooting pain down one of your arms or potentially even both of them. And what this is commonly going to be caused by is a nerve impingement. It could be the disk, it could be the joint. Something that I love focusing on here in the clinic is doing spinal decompressions. So, if you do have that disc, think about it being like a tube of toothpaste. If I’m squeezing the toothpaste it’s pouring out, but as soon as I alleviate that pressure, it comes pooling back in. And with spinal decompression, that is definitely what I aim to do is help you non-surgically pull that disc back into its rightful place, hopefully alleviate the nerve, the joint, the tendons, and tissues, and thus alleviating that numbness, burning, and tingling.


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